Cybersecurity in Industry 4.0: All you should know


Maurice Dawson Jr

Speaker Maurice Dawson Jr,
Designation: Director of IIT Center for Cyber Security and Forensics Education (C2SAFE)
Illinois Institute of Technology
Topic: Cybersecurity in Industry 4.0: All you should know
Date of Webinar: 27th Oct, 2020
Time and Location: 12:00 pm CDT | 10:30 pm IST | 05:00 pm GMT

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Speaker Bio:
Maurice Dawson serves as the Distinguished Member and Director of Illinois Institute of Technology’s Center for Cyber Security and Forensics Education, accredited by the National Security Agency and Department of Homeland Security. He is also an Assistant Professor of Information Technology and Management in the College of Computing. Maurice has earned a Ph.D. in Cyber Security from the Intelligence Systems Research Centre at London Metropolitan University in 2017 and a Doctor of Computer Science from Colorado Technical University in 2009. Before joining Illinois Tech, Maurice served as an Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri – St. Louis with Visiting Professorships to the Technical University of Munich, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, and the University of Tennessee Space Institute. Additionally, he has been a Fulbright Scholar to Prince Sultan University in Saudi Arabia, and South Ural State University in Russia. He was recently awarded his fourth Fulbright Scholar Grant to Botswana International University of Science and Technology to lecture and perform research in cybersecurity and forensics. Dawson has a decade of experience in the defense and aerospace industry.

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Topic Abstract:
The 4th industrial revolution is commonly referred to as Industry 4.0. At the moment, the trend with manufacturing industries is automation and unparalleled levels of data exchange, relying on the integration of the Internet of Things. Industry 4.0 introduces us to a hyperconnected system that includes the smarter use of robotics to effectively and efficiently move manufacturing to a new height. However, with all these technological systems, it is important to ensure that cybersecurity plays a role during the rise of this digital industrial revolution. In the United Kingdom, more than 80 manufacturing plants were hit by cyberattacks, while threats in this specific industry have risen. The pitfalls of having hyperconnected systems leave an entire industry even more vulnerable than the traditional enterprise system design.

Students learn that the manufacturing floor could serve as a place that allows an attacker to gather critical data from devices and inflict damage on any of the products being produced. Take, for instance, an attacker, a nation-state or otherwise, that targets a seed in development. A food shortage is one outcome; another is that the attacker could make the victim nation-state reliant on them for food or supplies, altering how well its government functions. This is but one of several critical infrastructure sectors poorly protected, yet it is steadily increasing the use of technology.

Key Takeaways:

  • Industry 4.0 brings unprecedented challenges into manufacturing while at the same time allowing for manufacturing to change at unprecedented levels.
  • For Industry 4.0 to occur, it is going to require entirely new approaches to cybersecurity management.
  • As manufacturing is a critical infrastructure, technology, policies, and education will need to be addressed to protect this sector appropriately.

*Examples, analysis, views and opinion shared by the speakers are personal and not endorsed by EC-Council or their respective employer(s)

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