Current Trends in Cyber Threat Intelligence Tools and Techniques

Current Trends in Cyber Threat Intelligence Tools and Techniques

Date: October 10, 2023 Time: 5:00 PM EAT | 10:00 AM EDT | 7:30 PM IST Topic: Current Trends in Cyber Threat Intelligence Tools and Techniques Abstract: As cyber threats accelerate, security professionals need to remain abreast of the ever-evolving threat landscape. An effective defense against these threats often hinges on a reliable threat intelligence […]

Trends in the Cyber Insurance Market: Challenges and Opportunities

Trends in the Cyber Insurance Market Challenges and Opportunities

Date: September 28, 2023 Time: 9:00 AM EDT | 8:00 AM CDT | 6:30 PM IST Topic: Trends in the Cyber Insurance Market: Challenges and Opportunities Abstract: The global cyber insurance market has seen a significant increase in recent years, largely due to the purchase of cyber insurance by large corporations and multinational companies. This […]

Future Trends in Identity and Access Management (IAM)


Date: September 27, 2023 Time: 8:30 AM CDT | 9:30 AM EDT | 7:00 PM IST Topic: Future Trends in Identity and Access Management (IAM) Abstract: Identity is the new perimeter. Identity and access management (IAM) emerged as the focal point of cyber security during the COVID-19 pandemic, where an individual’s identity is transmitted as […]

AI’s Current & Future Impact on Password-Based Attacks

Artificial Intelligence and Password Security Today

Date: September 21, 2023 Time: 8:30 AM CDT | 3:30 PM CEST | 7:00 PM IST Topic: AI’s Current & Future Impact on Password-Based Attacks Abstract: The prevalence of password-based attacks and the use of AI-supported techniques by cyber criminals to advance their malicious objectives are on the rise. Cyber criminals are constantly searching for […]